Oh when the saints

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Versie door Admin (overleg | bijdragen) op 16 mrt 2021 om 15:51
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Oh when the saints
Genre jazz
Taal EN
Maatsoort 4/4
Toonsoort A
Niveau 2
Akkoorden A E7 D
Copyright 0

Oh when the Asaints go marchin´ in,
Oh when the saints go marchin´ E7in,
Lord I Awant to A7be in that Dnumber
When the Asaints go E7marchin´Ain.
And when the Astars begin to shine
And when the stars begin to E7shine
Then Lord Alet me A7be in that Dnumber
And when the Astars beE7gin to Ashine
And when the sun refuse to shine
And when the sun refuse to shine
Then Lord let me be in that number
When the sun refuse to shine